Dear Parents,

The first week of October brings so many signs of fall to look for and listen to.  Make sure to read our Founder’s Look for… Listen to… post

Also, as the weather gets colder, please think about buying snow pants, hats, neck gaters and mittens.  Winter boots will be needed in November or December, though note that for October we still need rain boots every day as well as sneakers to change into for the classroom.  And please be sure your child has a full set of spare clothes for the season.  For example, shorts can be removed replaced with warm pants.

We hear the children already beginning to talk about what costume they will wear for Halloween in a few weeks.  At Sprout House, we listen to their excitement about costumes, but celebrate Harvest Time/Halloween without costumes.  Instead, we focus on special stories, songs, poems and food.  Please save the costume for after school!

Have a good weekend!

Kathy Abbott, Director

Sprout House